Friday, August 13, 2010

High Raw...

I guess this is as good a place as any to confess that I haven't been 100% raw lately.

Matter of fact, I haven't been much of a vegan or vegetarian.

A part of me feels like I've failed, but then on the other side of the coin I am still eating a LOT of raw foods. Daily.

I'd say I'm doing 75% raw foods, with smoothies, raw salads, raw walnut milk, wheatgrass juice, and other juices.

And I still like one of my favorite sandwiches, a raw-vegan sandwich I like to make at home, consisting of onions, tomatoes, sprouts, avocado in a sprouted grain bread with veganaise. Sometimes I add a slice of vegan cheese.

But, I'm trying hard to get back to being 100% raw. Wish me luck. I'm going to make an effort to transition to 100% raw again...

1 comment:

  1. be sure to check out my other site, In My Mind's Zen Garden at:
